Customer Feedback Management Policy

1. Introduction

Ascentis views customer feedback as an opportunity for reflection and growth. If a company does not handle the feedback properly and promptly, further negative responses will cause major damage to the business.

Ascentis recognizes the right of customers to give feedback and its responsibility to provide an effective feedback handling framework.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to assist all department staff, in particular those working on the frontline, to understand how best to manage and respond to feedback. It promotes a consistent approach across the department for responding to, managing, processing, and recording feedback.

3. Scope

An expression of dissatisfaction about the service or action of the department, or its staff, by a person who is directly affected by the service or action. And issues that may be considered under this policy, include but is not limited to, the following:

  • a decision made, or a failure to make a decision, by an employee of the department;
  • an act, or failure to act, by the department;
  • the formulation of a proposal or intention by the department;
  • the making of a recommendation by the department;

4. Policy Statement

Complaints provide valuable feedback about the level of satisfaction with our services. Along with other forms of feedback, they provide an opportunity to improve the delivery of services. Any complaints must be handled effectively and promptly, and recorded for coordination, analysis, and reporting.

Resolving complaints at the earliest opportunity, in a way that respects and values the person’s feedback, can be one of the most important factors in ensuring an opportunity to recover a person’s positive feelings and confidence about Ascentis’ services.

This policy is committed to effectively manage complaints promptly and fairly, ensuring that:

  • Complaints will be investigated in depth, and Ascentis will handle it in an efficient and effective manner, and the complainant will be treated courteously.
  • Ascentis will not charge a complainant for making a complaint.
  • Our Customer Feedback Management Policy will always be available on our website.
  • Ascentis will always observe privacy and confidentiality of any personal data, in line with the Privacy Policy.
  • Ascentis will record and analyze complaints on a regular basis for the identification and rectification of erroneous procedures and practices.
  • the customer service provided by an employee of the department.

5. Guiding Principles

5.1. Visibility and accessibility
The management system will be visible and accessible to individuals and:

  • explain how and where to make a complaint; and
  • explain how the department will manage a complaint and the expected timeframe for resolution.

5.2. Responsiveness
The management system will be responsive and provide mechanisms and strategies to:

  • promote client rights, particularly those with special support needs, so they can actively participate in the complaints process;
  • inform and train staff to use the complaint management system;
  • support the complainant to seek the most appropriate resolution;
  • ensure there is clarity about the requested outcome;
  • provide a respectful, valuing, and informative acknowledgement;
  • actively listen, empathizing and acknowledging when the service was not the best it could have been;
  • monitor timeframes for resolution; and
  • communicate with all relevant parties about the progress to resolve the complaint.

5.3. Assessment and investigation
The management system will have mechanisms and strategies to:

  • assess complaints for severity, safety, complexity, impact and the need for immediate action;
  • collect adequate and appropriate information to inform systemic improvement;
  • protect the privacy and confidentiality of the information people have provided;
  • determine by whom and at what level the complaint should be dealt with; and
  • enable complaints to be considered independently, fairly and objectively.

5.4. Feedback
The management system will provide mechanisms and strategies to:

  • explain what happened and why, what will be done to fix the issue, who will do it, how we will communicate our progress and how we will check things are on track;
  • explain the reasons for the decision;
  • provide an apology where an apology is provided, ensure it is sincere, and accepts responsibility for what occurred and the impact;
  • explain the circumstances without making excuses, and summarize the key actions that will be taken;
  • provide regular updates to the complainant if the resolution is delayed; and
  • follow up with complainants to determine the effectiveness of the outcome, where appropriate.

5.5. Improvement focused
The management system will provide mechanisms and strategies to gather and record feedback and other information to:

  • meet any statutory, policy or procedural reporting requirements;
  • improve the training and capabilities of complaint management staff;
  • analyze the complaint data and identify complaint trends for performance improvement;
  • monitor the time taken to resolve complaints; and
  • notify service providers of any changes necessary arising from a complaint as part of a continuous quality improvement approach.

6. Governance and Accountability

Team Responsibility
The person who makes a complaint
  • cooperating respectfully and understanding that unreasonable conduct will not be tolerated, including abusive, aggressive or disrespectful behaviors;
  • providing a clear idea of the problem;
  • providing all relevant information when the complaint is made;
  • understanding that some decisions cannot be overturned or changed under the framework approach;
  • informing the department of changes affecting the complaint including if help is no longer required.
Staff whose duties include complaint handling
  • maintains a point of contact for the reception, processing and coordination of complaints.
  • Investigate the complaint, recommend solutions where possible and coordinate the flow of the handling of complaint management between teams.
  • Responsible for informing top management or respective head of department and the business impact.
All staff
  • be aware of their roles, responsibilities, authorities and procedures
  • accept accountability for receiving, recording, and reporting complaints.
Head of Department
  • investigate and recommend solutions;
  • authorizes/ decides upon a response prepared;
  • ensures that agreed resolution actions are implemented; and
  • ensures their staff record and process complaints promptly in accordance with policy.
  • establishes, monitors and reviews all complaints management related policies and processes;
  • investigate and recommend solutions; and
  • authorizes/ decides upon a response prepared.

7. Feedback Management Overview

The Feedback Management Framework is designed to ensure each type of complaint is addressed within the appropriate feedback-handling process.

Classification Description Timeframe
Complaint Level 3, Priority 3 May involve a single, low risk issue. Straightforward cases. Resolved within 3 to 7 working days of receipt
Complaint Level 2, Priority 2 May involve a higher level of risk

  • Threat of harm to any person
  • Threat to the safety of a member of Ascentis staff
  • Potential impact on the reputation of Ascentis
  • Potential Financial impact to the complainant
  • Complaint involves actual or potential media interest

Complaint is complex and is likely to be very resource intensive to investigate

Resolved within 7 to 14 working days of receipt
Complaint Level 1, Priority 1 The complainant request for Management Review Resolved within 20 working days of receipt

For Customers’ Feedback Filing, please go to

8. Process Steps

Step 1: Receive
When received, the feedback must be assessed by the frontline service officer to determine its urgency and importance.
TIME: within one working day of receipt

Step 2: Record
Once the feedback has been assessed, the details of the complaint must be recorded on the complaints tracking system.
TIME: within one working day of receipt

Step 3: Acknowledge
All complaints should be acknowledged where possible. Complaints should be acknowledged in the same way they were received.
TIME: within one working day of receipt

Step 4: Resolve
The time taken to resolve, investigate or review a complaint will depend on the nature and complexity of the complaint.
Level 3: within 3 to 7 working days of receipt
Level 2: within 7 to 14 working days of receipt
Level 1: within 20 working days of receipt

Step 5: Communicate resolution
When the investigation or review is completed, the outcome is communicated to the complainant.
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response, they have the option to request a review.
TIME: within one working day after the resolution plan is finalized

Effective date: 13/07/2021
Last updated: 01/07/2021